Gotthard - Stereo Crush (2025) 24-Bit download for free
Категория: FLAC / LOSSLESS | Views : 0 | Author: seradmin | Date: Сегодня, 12:36

Format: FLAC
Quality: 24 bits Lossless
Album Artist/Name: Gotthard - Stereo Crush
Genre: Hard Rock
Release Date: 2025-03-21
BitRate: 1540 Kbps ~ 1768 Kbps
Total Size: 524.49 MB
44 Khz 24 bits 01. Gotthard - AI & I (02:52) [1794 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits 02. Gotthard - Thunder & Lightning (03:37) [1733 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits 03. Gotthard - Rusty Rose (04:14) [1703 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits 04. Gotthard - Burning Bridges (03:37) [1573 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits 05. Gotthard - Drive My Car (02:59) [1725 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits 06. Gotthard - Boom Boom (03:57) [1662 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits 07. Gotthard - Life (03:25) [1540 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits 08. Gotthard - Liverpool (03:43) [1721 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits 09. Gotthard - Shake Shake (03:49) [1734 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits 10. Gotthard - Devil In The Moonlight (03:11) [1768 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits 11. Gotthard - Dig A Little Deeper (03:53) [1741 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits 12. Gotthard - These Are The Days (03:23) [1629 Kbps]
Total time [42:40]
FileCat - Gotthard - Stereo Crush (2025) [24Bit].rar