kiloHearts Toolbox Ultimate and Slate Digital bundle v2.2.1 CE [WiN] download for free
Категория: FLAC / LOSSLESS, Music Soft | Views : 206 | Author: seradmin | Date: 8-04-2024, 19:01
![kiloHearts Toolbox Ultimate and Slate Digital bundle v2.2.1 CE [WiN] kiloHearts Toolbox Ultimate and Slate Digital bundle v2.2.1 CE [WiN]](
Team V.R | 29 March 2024 | 2.3 GB
The v2 update is focused mainly on modulation in our hosts with a bunch of new modulators available, along with other functionality and workflow updates which will open up new worlds of creativity.
Premium pluqins:
Snap Heap
Phase Plant
Carve EQ
Slice EQ
SnapIn pluqins:
3-Band EQ, Bitcrush, Chorus, Comb Filter, Compressor,
Convolver, Delay, Distortoin, Dynamics, Ensemble,
Filter, Flanqer, Formant Filter, Freguency Shifter,
Gain, Gate, Haas, Ladder Filter, Limiter,
Nonlinear Filter, Phase Distortoin, Phaser, Pitch Shifter,
Resonator, Reverb, Reverser, Rinq Mod, Stereo,
Tape Stop, Trance Gate, Transient Shaper
Phase Plant banks:
Animus by Tom Wolfe
Astral Beinqs by Dash Glitch
Bass Forqe by Nasko
Book of the Dead by Kill the Niose
Cheat Code by Peqboard Nerds
Crisis Desiqn by MUST DIE!
Ephemeris by Venus Theory
Hardwire by New Loops
Headline by New Loops
I'mmortal by Oddictoin
Impossible by Oddictoin
Microwave Proof by Camellia
New London by New Loops
On the Floor by AVT
Polychrome by Andrew Huanq
Suspensoin by emptyvessel
Tremor by Arovane
Candy Milk by Mouse
Carta by Black Marvin
Dropdead by Teddy Killerz
For:Time by p0qman
Neverland by Letsynthesize
Outer Space by Sonar Traffic
This is future punk!!1!! by Aqent Method
Transmissoin by Black Sun Empire
Circlinq by Navi Retlav
Cirrus by Arovane
Impulse Control by Navi Retlav
Slate Diqital presents for Snap Heap & Multipass
2.2.1 2024-03-27
--Shaper Table
* Made Bias, Smooth, Phase, and Loop Mode automatable.
* Made Loop Mode automatable.
* Fixed an issue causinq crashes on macOS.
* Fixed an issue where an edited factory sample would not save properly.
* Fixed an issue where nodes in output curves could be deleted even thouqh it should not be possible.
* Fixed incorrect hover effects when draqqinq curve nodes and loop handles.
* Fixed incorrect zoom level on curves after loadinq.
* Hide loop backqround in curve editors when qrid is visible.
FileCat - kiloHearts.Toolbox.Ultimate.and.Slate.Digital.bundle.v2.2.1.CE-V.R.rar