Tate McRae - So Close to What (2025) CD Japan download for free
Категория: FLAC / LOSSLESS | Views : 0 | Author: seradmin | Date: Сегодня, 08:11

Format: FLAC
Quality: 16 bits Lossless
Album Artist/Name: Tate McRae - So Close to What (Japan)
Genre: Contemporary R&B, Dance-Pop
Release Date: 2025-02-26
BitRate: 902 Kbps ~ 1042 Kbps
Total Size: 270.13 MB
44 Khz 16 bits 01. Tate McRae - Miss possessive (02:17) [974 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 02. Tate McRae - 2 hands (03:02) [1042 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 03. Tate McRae - Dear god (02:51) [989 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 04. Tate McRae - Purple lace bra (03:11) [945 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 05. Tate McRae - Signs (02:53) [987 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 06. Tate McRae - Sports car (02:29) [983 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 07. Tate McRae - Revolving door (03:00) [902 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 08. Tate McRae - No, I'm not in love (02:50) [1028 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 09. Tate McRae - It's ok I'm ok (02:36) [954 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 10. Tate McRae - Greenlight (02:56) [913 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 11. Tate McRae - Better than I was (02:20) [919 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 12. Tate McRae - Call my bluff (03:14) [965 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 13. Tate McRae - Nostalgia (03:01) [940 Kbps]
44 Khz 16 bits 14. Tate McRae - It's ok I'm ok (Live from Madison Square Garden) (02:23) [935 Kbps]
Total time [39:03]
FileCat - Tate_McRae_-_So_Close_to_What_(2025)_{SICP-6601}_[CD].rar