VOX Divine Vocal Pop WAV download for free
Категория: FLAC / LOSSLESS, Music Soft | Views : 235 | Author: seradmin | Date: 9-11-2023, 11:35

Take a pinch of Ariana Grande vocal melodies, a dash of Lady Gaga style production and a squeeze of Katy Perry’s iconically catchy toplines and you have all the ingredients of ‘Divine Vocal Pop’. Inspired by some of contemporary music’s most gifted and influential pop Queens, this huge collection of vocal hooks, adlibs and phrases have been meticulously recorded offering lead vocal toplines, fresh adlib textures and fully arranged vocal harmony layers in both wet and dry production, serving ultimate pop perfection.
Engineered at our very own Sound Factory studios in Westlake, Los Angeles by grammy nominated vocal producer Simone Torres (@iamsimonetorres) who has worked with the likes of Chloe, Cardi B and Kelly Rowland; we recorded the stunning vocals of Lia Farrington (@liafarrington) produced by prolific modern pop producer John McLucas (@john_mclucas). All parts of this carefully curated team of Pop royalty and talent has resulted in a premium tier selection of crystal clear and iconic vocal samples to level up your productions. Create your next hit with Divine Vocal Pop today.
234 Samples
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