91Vocals Deep House Vocal Hooks (WAV) download for free
Категория: House/Deep/Tech, FLAC / LOSSLESS, Organic House / Downtempo , Music Soft | Views : 304 | Author: seradmin | Date: 7-02-2024, 08:47

91Vocals Deep House Vocal Hooks - an extensive collection of mesmerizing female vocals, pitched and processed top lines, drop melodies and vocal chops. From dark and soulful tones to bright and emotional energy, these vocals are tailor-made for Deep House and easily adapt to various subgenres of House, EDM, Trap and more. Truly original and copyright free.
Explore dynamic vocal hooks, complete with both wet and dry versions for versatility. Plus soulful adlibs, vocal fx including downers and risers, vocal one-shots, and ambient layer loops. Every loop is carefully key-tagged and tempo-locked, ensuring seamless integration into your projects. Recorded, mixed, and meticulously processed using the renowned 91Vocals signature vocal chain.
Please note: This is a vocal sample pack only. All other sounds contained in the demo song are for illustration purposes only.
290 Samples
FileCat - Deep.House.Vocal.Hooks.rar