David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - The Venetian Concertos (2025) 24-Bit download for free
Категория: FLAC / LOSSLESS | Views : 0 | Author: seradmin | Date: Сегодня, 06:40

David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - The Venetian Concertos (2025) 24-BitFormat: FLAC
Quality: 24 bits Lossless
Album Artist/Name: David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - The Venetian Concertos
Genre: Classical
Release Date: 2025-03-11
BitRate: 857 Kbps ~ 1414 Kbps
Total Size: 475.57 MB
48 Khz 24 bits 01. David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - Chesky: Concerto No. 3: Movement 1 (05:27) [1013 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits 02. David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - Chesky: Concerto No. 3: Movement 2 (04:36) [857 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits 03. David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - Chesky: Concerto No. 3: Movement 3 (03:52) [1018 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits 04. David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - Chesky: Concerto No. 1: Movement 1 (06:04) [1414 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits 05. David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - Chesky: Concerto No. 1: Movement 2 (05:22) [875 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits 06. David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - Chesky: Concerto No. 1: Movement 3 (04:21) [1032 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits 07. David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - Chesky: Concerto No. 2: Movement 1 (06:33) [1011 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits 08. David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - Chesky: Concerto No. 2. Movement 2 (06:17) [916 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits 09. David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - Chesky: Concerto No. 2: Movement 3 (04:09) [1022 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits 10. David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - Chesky: Concerto No. 4: Movement 1 (05:41) [1396 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits 11. David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - Chesky: Concerto No. 4: Movement 2 (06:06) [962 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits 12. David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - Chesky: Concerto No. 4: Movement 3 (04:04) [1056 Kbps]
Total time [01:02:32]
FileCat - David Chesky & The 21st Century Symphony Orchestra - The Venetian Concertos (2016) [Hi-Res 24Bit].rar