Red Fang - Only Ghosts (Deluxe Version) (2016) 24-Bit download for free
Категория: FLAC / LOSSLESS | Views : 0 | Author: seradmin | Date: Сегодня, 06:35

Red Fang - Only Ghosts (Deluxe Version) (2016) 24-BitFormat: FLAC
Quality: 24 bits Lossless
Album Artist/Name: Red Fang - Only Ghosts (Deluxe Version)
Genre: Hard Rock
Release Date: 2016-10-14
BitRate: 2316 Kbps ~ 2900 Kbps
Total Size: 991.41 MB
88 Khz 24 bits 01. Red Fang - Flies (03:37) [2864 Kbps]
88 Khz 24 bits 02. Red Fang - Cut It Short (04:11) [2871 Kbps]
88 Khz 24 bits 03. Red Fang - Flames (01:30) [2316 Kbps]
88 Khz 24 bits 04. Red Fang - No Air (04:52) [2812 Kbps]
88 Khz 24 bits 05. Red Fang - Shadows (03:11) [2900 Kbps]
88 Khz 24 bits 06. Red Fang - Not for You (03:19) [2819 Kbps]
88 Khz 24 bits 07. Red Fang - The Smell of the Sound (05:23) [2859 Kbps]
88 Khz 24 bits 08. Red Fang - The Deep (04:27) [2785 Kbps]
88 Khz 24 bits 09. Red Fang - I Am a Ghost (04:08) [2794 Kbps]
88 Khz 24 bits 10. Red Fang - Living in Lye (06:19) [2849 Kbps]
88 Khz 24 bits 11. Red Fang - Dumb Guy (Bonus Track) (03:12) [2578 Kbps]
88 Khz 24 bits 12. Red Fang - One Hit Two Hit (Bonus Track) (05:20) [2651 Kbps]
Total time [49:29]
FileCat - Red Fang - Only Ghosts (Deluxe Version) (2016) [24Bit].rar