Kimbra - The Moment (2024) [24Bit] download for free
Категория: FLAC / LOSSLESS, Electronica | Views : 149 | Author: seradmin | Date: 15-09-2024, 19:42
![Kimbra - The Moment (2024) [24Bit] Kimbra - The Moment (2024) [24Bit]](
Container: FLAC
Quality: 24 bits Lossless
Album Artist/Name: Kimbra - The Moment
Genre: Alternative
Release Date: 2024-09-11
BitRate: 1588 Kbps - 1757 Kbps
Total Size: 449.6 MB
48 Khz 24 bits | 01. Kimbra - The Moment (04:03) [1627 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits | 02. Kimbra - Space Jam (02:55) [1696 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits | 03. Kimbra - Catch Ya In The Lie (02:10) [1690 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits | 04. Kimbra - I Wonder (04:10) [1604 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits | 05. Kimbra - Back To You (03:24) [1641 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits | 06. Kimbra - Ride Or Die (03:22) [1674 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits | 07. Kimbra - Keen (03:57) [1588 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits | 08. Kimbra - Tethers (03:18) [1732 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits | 09. Kimbra - Demi God (02:56) [1757 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits | 10. Kimbra - Force Field (02:15) [1645 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits | 11. Kimbra - Stuff I Don't Need (02:54) [1707 Kbps]
48 Khz 24 bits | 12. Kimbra - Right To The Head (Intro) (01:50) [1661 Kbps]
Total time [37:14]
FileCat - Kimbra - The Moment (2024) [24Bit].rar