Supermax - Types of Skin (2024) [24Bit] download for free
Категория: FLAC / LOSSLESS | Views : 280 | Author: seradmin | Date: 26-06-2024, 20:19
![Supermax - Types of Skin (2024) [24Bit] Supermax - Types of Skin (2024) [24Bit]](
Container: FLAC
Quality: 24 bits Lossless
Album Artist/Name: Supermax - Types of Skin
Genre: Funk / Rock
Release Date: 2024-04-22
BitRate: 1488 Kbps - 1564 Kbps
Total Size: 423.74 MB
44 Khz 24 bits | 01. Supermax - Hollywood (04:05) [1547 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits | 02. Supermax - Hotline (06:34) [1564 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits | 03. Supermax - Raindance (04:41) [1543 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits | 04. Supermax - In the Middle of the Night (04:10) [1506 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits | 05. Supermax - Ganja Generation (04:06) [1507 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits | 06. Supermax - Spooky (04:50) [1488 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits | 07. Supermax - Goodbye Jano (05:03) [1518 Kbps]
44 Khz 24 bits | 08. Supermax - Gotta Be Something New (05:05) [1516 Kbps]
Total time [38:34]
FileCat - Supermax - Types of Skin (2024) [24Bit].rar