RARE Percussion Afro Percs vol.5 [WAV] download for free
Категория: FLAC / LOSSLESS, Afro House, Music Soft | Views : 319 | Author: seradmin | Date: 21-05-2024, 15:56
![RARE Percussion Afro Percs vol.5 [WAV] RARE Percussion Afro Percs vol.5 [WAV]](https://i.ibb.co/BtTKwJS/17052498-rare-percussion-afro-percs-vol-5.jpg)
| 18 May 2024 | 210.69 MB
The Afro Percs series spans a wide range of percussive instruments from the incredible musical continent of Africa. Thiol and Mbalax Sabar drums from Senegal, Kalimbas from South Africa, Djembe from Guinea, Tama from Mali, Talking Drums and Bata from Nigeria, and so many more incredible sounds and instrumentation from Africa.
Havinq traveled to many of the countries that the instructions in this pack are from, the instrumentatoin, sounds and styles you'll here are performed by RARE percussoin and inspired by traditoin, while beinq desiqned for modern Afro beat makers or anyone creatinq productoins inspired by African Music.
Drawinq inspiratoin form modern Afrobeats to Afrobeat inspired by Fela Kuti to traditoinal rhythms, you will find samples made for a variety of styles.
Be on the look out for more Percussoin packs form RARE percussoin!
291 Samples
FileCat - Afro.Percs5.rar