91Vocals The One - RnB Love Songs (WAV) download for free
Категория: FLAC / LOSSLESS, Music Soft | Views : 275 | Author: seradmin | Date: 5-02-2024, 10:19

91Vocals The One - RnB Love Songs - a rich collection of wave RnB songs, frank female vocals and energetic drums. Original samples expertly composed and re-sampled, combining soulful chords with textured keys, acoustic guitar and analog synths. Immerse yourself in sounds infused with modern alt-RnB production techniques. Explore a distinct range of moods, from the infectious sound of Billboard-ready hits to the atmosphere of afterparty jams and heady love songs
Designed to inspire RnB and; Rap, Trap, Pop, and beyond. Stacked with original vocal hooks, phrases, resampled vocal loops, chops, and ambient layers. Featuring the soulful tone and hard-hitting pop melodies of British Alternative RnB singer-songwriter XAHLI. Recorded and mixed in-house by producer Luke Targett. Plus custom designed drum and percussion one-shots, full songstarters, filtered soundscapes, and vocal FX.
As described in our Terms of Use, you may not use XAHLI’s name, image, or likeness.
434 Samples
FileCat - The.One.RnB.Love.Songs.rar