Sean Divine Divine Mixing SSL Native Template (Logic Pro X) DAW Templates download for free
Категория: FLAC / LOSSLESS, Techno, Music Soft | Views : 333 | Author: seradmin | Date: 20-11-2022, 11:52

Essential SSL Console for Logic Pro X
Divine Mixing – SSL Native Template is a zero latency recording and mixing template that transforms Logic Pro into an efficient, world-class SSL console. Utilizing Channel Strip 2 processing on every channel, alongside Bus Compressor 2 on the stereo bus, this all-new template provides authentic SSL tone, maximum CPU efficiency and a simple hands-on workflow in the studio or on the go.
Key Template Features
Authentic SSL Console Sound Lightweight & CPU Efficient Zero Latency for Tracking Purposes Demo Session (With Audio) + Blank Template Included Classic SSL Workflow with SSL360 40+ Precisely Tuned Channel Strip Presets SSL 9000K Filters, EQ, Compression and Gating on Every Channel Complete Instrumental and Vocal Processing Optimized SSL Bus Compression Fully Compatible with SSL UC1 and UF8 Hardware Controllers LUFS Input Notes (for optimal leveling) VCA Tracks Preconfigured Reverb and Delay Auxes Fully Customizable And Much More
Product Details:
Style: Hip Hop, Pop, Trap, R&B, Rock, EDM, World
Plugins Required (Not Included)*: SSL Native Channel Strip 2, SSL Native Bus Compressor 2
DAW Compatibility: Logic Pro X (10.6 and higher)
Download Size: 639MB
Download Format: Logic Pro X Project File + Audio (.logicx), Installation Video (.mp4)
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FileCat - Sean Divine Divine Mixing SSL Native Template (Logic Pro X) .zip