BEATPORT BEST NEW HYPE MAINSTAGE 2024-01-10 download for free
Категория: DJ CHART, Electro/House/Big Room | Views : 460 | Author: seradmin | Date: 10-01-2024, 18:52

Artist: VA
data: 2024-01-09
TOTAL: 299
GENRE: Mainstage
Quality: 320 kbps
If you’re a fan of the mainstage genre, you’ll love the latest chart of the best new hype tracks, updated monthly. This chart showcases the hottest and most innovative sounds from the mainstage scene, featuring artists like KSHMR, Blasterjaxx, and Timmy Trumpet. You’ll find a variety of styles and vibes on this chart, from electro and progressive to hardstyle and psytrance. Don’t miss the last three tracks on the chart: The Last Dance by Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, The World Is Yours by W&W, and The Future by Armin van Buuren. These tracks will blow you away with their epic melodies, powerful drops, and uplifting energy.
1. 3than,Vales - Call Me Baby - Vales Remix (05:44)
2. A Guy from 1990 - Acidozinho (05:47)
3. A2N - Mebius Rings - Extended Mix (04:37)
4. Aguila - Hazy Dew (05:57)
5. Agus Zack,Toni Costanzi,Revealed Recordings - Yourself (02:07)
6. Alavate - Ride - Original Mix (03:23)
7. Aleksey Ekimov,Vexa9 - 2099 - Extended Mix (03:45)
8. Alex Mueller, CLUBWRK - No One Extended Mix (03:50)
9. Alex Mueller,CLUBWRK - No One (02:21)
10. AMAX - Paradise Original Mix (04:37)
11. Andrew A, Viani (ES) - Running Away Extended Mix (04:07)
12. Andyg - Rhythm of the Universe Extended Mix (03:32)
13. AndyG - Rhythm of the Universe (02:37)
14. Antazmo - Fermi Paradox Original Mix (02:31)
15. Antoine Davila - Lancelot - Original Mix (06:45)
16. Arem Ozguc,Arman Aydin,Onur Atli - ALARMA! (Onur Atli Hyper Mix) (02:16)
17. Arggic,Leonard A - Feel It Tonight - Leonard A Extended Remix (06:07)
18. Arman Aydin, Arem Ozguc, Onur Atli - ALARMA! (Onur Atli Hyper Mix) Extended Mix (03:08)
19. Armin van Buuren, Just_us - Make It Count Extended Mix (05:04)
20. Armin van Buuren, Trevor Guthrie - This Is What It Feels Like feat. Trevor Guthrie Armin van Buuren 2023
Extended Remix (05:39)
21. Armin van Buuren,Just_us - Make It Count (ASOT 1149) [Future Favorite] (03:24)
22. ATX,Gimmy Weaver - Work It - Extended Mix (04:22)
23. Av - Dark Knight Extended Mix (05:20)
24. AV - Dark Knight (03:51)
25. Avorra - Watch It Original Mix (03:30)
26. Baltra,Regularfantasy - Goodbye - Regularfantasy Remix (05:52)
27. BARONE - Do Better (02:05)
28. Bassjackers - Disco Dancer Extended Mix (03:28)
29. Bastiqe, Paul Keen, Jimmy Rivler - The Riddle Original Mix (01:57)
30. Bauen - That's Life (06:19)
31. BEATCHASERS - Euphoria - Extended Mix (03:20)
32. Ben Stevens,Tenchy,Sam Townend - Get Ready Yo - Sam Townend Extended Remix (06:14)
33. BENN STARR - Own It - Original Mix (06:41)
34. Benny Benassi, Constantin - Feel The Vibe Extended Mix (04:33)
35. Benny Benassi,Constantin - Feel The Vibe (03:06)
36. Blackjack - Die Without (feat. Squeenzie) Original Mix (04:01)
37. Blackjack,Squeenzie - Die Without - Original Edit (02:50)
38. Bonka - Techno Music Extended Mix (03:26)
39. Bonka - Techno Music (02:07)
40. Boo Williams,Jamiel Patton - Chicago The Place - Original Mix (06:27)
41. Brine - Got Groove (05:34)
42. Bubba Brothers - Alma - Original Mix (06:08)
43. Bushwacka!,Denney,Chuck Roberts - Our House (05:43)
44. CASSIMM - Wanna Feel Something - Extended Mix (05:23)
45. Cev's - Mind Expansion (06:24)
46. Christian Cabrera - So (06:14)
47. CLASS'88 - One Love (06:07)
48. Codex (SE), Captain Bounce - Keep You Waiting Club Mix (04:10)
49. Codex (SE),Captain Bounce - Keep You Waiting (03:10)
50. Cody Chase - High As F*ck Extended Mix (05:09)
51. Cody Chase - High As F*ck (03:06)
52. Corazon De Melon - Got 2 Be (05:22)
53. CROniNO - My Life (05:28)
54. CRYME - Back2Room (05:23)
55. Cutoff:Sky - NRG Extended (04:26)
56. D'Amico & Valax, Doriel, HENNZ, Johan Oslah - Wanna Have Fun (ft. Doriel) Extended Mix (03:41)
57. D'Amico & Valax,HENNZ,Johan Oslah,Doriel - Wanna Have Fun (02:58)
58. Dan Kers,INCARMA - I Don´t Need You - Radio Version (01:58)
59. Dannic,Roy Orion - The Ultimate - Extended Mix (03:56)
60. Dave Ruthwell, Mesa & Boss - Wake Me Up Extended Mix (04:43)
61. David Guetta, Kim Petras - When We Were Young (The Logical Song) Steve Aoki & KAAZE Remix Extended
62. David Guetta,Kim Petras - When We Were Young (The Logical Song) (02:27)
63. Deborah De Luca, Valeria Mancini - Everybody Be Somebody Original Mix (06:28)
64. Deeleegenz - Lately 90's (05:11)
65. Deep Deviant,Nu Ground Foundation - On & On - Nu Ground Foundation Classic Mix (06:29)
66. Delistic - Big Dick (06:34)
67. Deniz Koyu - Astral Extended Mix (05:26)
68. Deorro, Electric Polar Bears - Front To Back Extended Mix (03:07)
69. Deorro,Electric Polar Bears - Front To Back (02:27)
70. Der Manager,Hunt3r,Luci - Hold Me Tight (02:39)
71. DFRA,The 89 Project - Analog Laugh (05:13)
72. DGT,Roney Jay - So Easy (07:22)
73. Digital Drift - Space Cowboys - Extended Mix (06:37)
74. Dimatik, Mariana BO - Avalanche Extended Mix (03:10)
75. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike,David Guetta,Afro Bros,Akon,Freejak - She Knows (with Akon) - Freejak Remix (02:43)
76. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike,David Guetta,Afro Bros,Akon,Jaxx & Vega - She Knows (with Akon) - Jaxx & Vega
Remix (04:33)
77. Dimitris Karipidis - Rumble (02:39)
78. Dimmish - Tosser (06:13)
79. Diron - Pump It Extended Mix (03:18)
80. Diron - Pump It (02:52)
81. Disclosure - We Were In Love (05:00)
82. DJ Dobrel - What Have You Got For (05:05)
83. DJ Jean,San Sebastian - Do My Own Thing - Original Mix (03:16)
84. DJ Kuba,Neitan,Bounce Inc. - Blade (03:10)
85. Dj Matt Black - Sweat! (05:04)
86. DJ TORA,Shadw - One Time - Extended Mix (03:14)
87. DJ Void,Rob Amboule - Prism Groove - Rob Amboule Remix (06:20)
88. DJ Windows 7 - Trampa (05:21)
89. DJJonathan,Zemtax - Dream - Extended Mix (03:40)
90. DSTN - The Edge - Extended Mix (03:29)
91. Dutchican Soul - You Bring Joy - Extended Mix (06:06)
92. Dżeju - No More Time (03:07)
93. Eddie Amador - House Music - Message Mix (08:05)
94. Elia Akita - Yin & Yang - Extended Mix (02:57)
95. Elwood Club - Found House - Extended Mix (06:27)
96. Etur Usheo - Blockade - Original Mix (05:38)
97. F.R.E.D.Y. - La Danzamania (05:04)
98. Felipe Gordon - Travel Through Your Mind (05:10)
99. FORCES - I Am a Robot (03:47)
100. Framed Stories - Better With U Extended Mix (03:31)
101. Framed Stories - Better With U (02:39)
102. Franco Capraro - Liquid Skies - Extended Mix (03:56)
103. Fuzzy Hair - Da Da - Extended Mix (05:08)
104. GATTÜSO - Pink Powder Extended Mix (02:54)
105. George Feely - Better Days (06:45)
106. Ghost Claw - Stay With Me Extended Mix (03:36)
107. Ghost Claw - Stay With Me (02:37)
108. GIDEÖN - Marcus Garvey (05:01)
109. Gimmy Weaver, ATX - Work It Extended Mix (04:22)
110. gleb filipchenkow,Ode - Sympa (05:14)
111. Graymaxx - Unidentified (05:27)
112. Hank Jay - Cool Jazz (06:47)
113. Hardwell - Oldskool Sound Extended Mix (05:09)
114. Hardwell - Oldskool Sound (03:36)
115. Hardwell, Shortround - Goes Like This Extended Mix (05:46)
116. HEN1 - Ready for the Rave - Extended Mix (04:29)
117. Highup,DJ SODA,Justin J. Moore - Memories (02:15)
118. Home By Dawn, Kyree - Gimme That Original Mix (03:12)
119. Hotswing,Matteo Dentone - So Well - Extended Mix (05:00)
120. House Dat Shit - GOULASH LOVE (05:06)
121. HUD,DJ Deep - Sugar - DJ Deep Extended Remix (10:35)
122. Ignacio - Solina Trip (05:24)
123. Ihan Farhan - Serotonin - Original Mix (02:29)
124. Ion Vulcan - Don't Want Ya Man (05:41)
125. J R, sad angels - Hypnotized Original Mix (02:06)
126. J-Break,T-Pain,M1000 - Down For Some Freakin' - M1000 remix (04:07)
127. Jack de Marseille - Bump (06:32)
128. Jack Mallett, 2 Thunders - No Other Way Extended Mix (03:33)
129. Jack Mallett,2 Thunders - No Other Way (02:19)
130. JAEMUS,Demarkus Lewis - It's Always Been For You - Deez Raw Life Remix (06:16)
131. Jaxx & Vega - Rave Revival - Extended Mix (03:52)
132. Jay Hardway, SGNLS - On The Run Extended Mix (04:26)
133. Jay Hardway,SGNLS - On The Run (02:39)
134. Jay Vegas - Break Ya Down (06:13)
135. Jihell - Angels (08:37)
136. Joe Ventura - Need U Soo Bad - Extended Mix (07:10)
137. Joel Fletcher, MorganJ - Rave Train Extended Mix (04:22)
138. Joel Fletcher,MorganJ - Rave Train (02:41)
139. John Fritz,Bart Ricardo - Instant - Bart Ricardo Remix (07:20)
140. John Randle - Shining Brighter (05:41)
141. Jon Carter - The Strobe (08:09)
142. Jon Fitz,GUYZA,Mattei & Omich - Girl Ya Know - Mattei & Omich Extended Remix (06:18)
143. Jonas Schmidt, MD & Jafuri - Enemy Extended Mix (03:00)
144. Jonasclean,Omeria - Satellite (06:59)
145. Jorkes,Chris Cruse - Follow Me To The Toilet - Chris Cruse's More the Merrier Mix (06:34)
146. Jwalker - DeWalt Disney (06:07)
147. Karasso, Kazden - This Rave Extended Mix (03:40)
148. Kassian - Faux Polynesia (07:37)
149. Kazden,Karasso - This Rave (02:19)
150. KI Creighton,Aldo Cadiz - Out Of The Loop - Extended Mix (06:47)
151. Kim English - I Know A Place - E-Smoove Club Mix (11:08)
152. Kim English,Frankie Feliciano - Missing You - Broken Arts Remix (07:12)
153. Krupz - You Extended Mix (03:19)
154. Krupz - You (02:21)
155. Lee Genesis,Sean McCabe - Ya Can't Separate Me (I'm Determined) - Sean McCabe Extended Vocal Mix (06:59)
156. Lenny Fontana,MICH - Come On Over - Club Mix (06:02)
157. Leo Janeiro - Soul Train (06:16)
158. Liah - Bad Extended Mix (04:38)
159. Liah - Bad (02:44)
160. Lister - Insane Extended Mix (04:00)
161. LNOX - Selenophile (02:43)
162. Louie Vega,Nico Vega,Cee ElAssaad - How He Works (feat. Nico Vega) - Cee ElAssaad Remix (07:04)
163. Luciana, TELYKast - Move It (with Luciana) [Sam Noton, Alex Mueller, Retrika Remix] Extended Mix (03:12)
164. Lynxbangerz - Make Me Feel (02:56)
165. M6, Luke Bond - Nexus Extended Mix (04:34)
166. Madison Mars - Be The One Extended Mix (04:04)
167. Makadem,Dawit Asfaha,Ghedi - Obon'go Bless Me feat. Nyatiti - Rework (06:14)
168. Marc Cotterell - Take You For A Ride (06:48)
169. Marc Cotterell,Mike Millrain - Take You For A Ride - Mike Millrain Remix (06:18)
170. Mare, Groove Aspect, Los Padres - Regular Highs Extended Mix (03:07)
171. Mariana BO,Dimatik - Avalanche (02:19)
172. Masters At Work,Louie Vega,Kenny Dope - Dance Last (07:54)
173. Mat.Joe - Vanilla (06:18)
174. Matt Dybal - Imagine Extended Mix (03:46)
175. Matt Dybal - Imagine (02:36)
176. Matt Dybal, DVDEK, rymszaK - By My Side Extended Mix (03:39)
177. Matt Dybal,rymszaK,DVDEK - By My Side (02:47)
178. Mattei & Omich,Joe Smooth - Miura - Smooth Vocal Rework (05:31)
179. MCW,Step - One Leg On The Ceiling...Nightstand - Vocal Safe Sex Mix (07:03)
180. Medusa, Mvnsin, Techy Chan, Krayoni - Everytime We Touch (Techno Remix) feat. Mvnsin Extended Mix (02:38)
181. Mesa & Boss,Dave Ruthwell - Wake Me Up (03:47)
182. Michael Chodo, UNYKE, M.J.E. - Don't Be Afraid Extended Mix (04:51)
183. Mike Candys, Jack Holiday - La Serenissima Extended Techno Mix (03:16)
184. Mike Candys,Jack Holiday - La Serenissima - Rework (03:03)
185. MISS DRE - Foreign Love Original Mix (05:34)
186. MISS DRE - Foreign Love (03:09)
187. Mo'funk - Bussin' - Raw Mix (05:27)
188. Moji, Viloid - Insane Extended Mix (03:58)
189. Molella, Alex Nocera - Tutto Bene Extended Mix (03:55)
190. Molella,Alex Nocera - Tutto Bene (02:43)
191. MOR AVRAHAMI - NRG (05:51)
192. MOTVS, Patrick Scuro - Beating Extended Mix (05:50)
193. MOTVS,Patrick Scuro - Beating (04:15)
194. MrM - Alive (07:17)
195. Muttonheads - Sale Original Mix (05:33)
196. Muttonheads - Sale (05:33)
197. nanobii - All I Want (02:31)
198. nanobii - MoonLight Extended Mix (04:07)
199. Neitan, DJ Kuba, Bounce Inc. - Blade Extended Mix (05:00)
200. Nick Fragnito - Don't Let Me Go - Extended Mix (03:45)
201. Nick Havsen,Wav3motion,K1LO,Oskah - Feel You - Oskah Remix (02:50)
202. Nicky Romero - Sacrifice Extended Mix (03:54)
203. Nico Rac - Save The Night (06:16)
204. Nikita K - UFO - Original Mix (06:45)
205. Niles Cooper - You Breathe My Air (05:18)
206. Ocsav - Extractor Fan (05:31)
207. Oggie B,Craig C - Moon Boogie - Craig C Lunar Rub (06:47)
208. Ozgun, Førehand - The Underground Extended Mix (05:42)
209. Ozgun, Tommy Maze, CLUBWRK - Endless Vision Extended Mix (03:51)
210. Ozgun,Førehand - The Underground (03:52)
211. Panca Borneo,Cliffrs,DJ Bey - Insomnial (03:07)
212. Panik Pop,Dario (DE),Mac-Kee - Exit - Mac-Kee Remix (05:51)
213. Paul Oakenfold, Planet Perfecto, Mark Roma, Velvet Cash - Dance All Night (Ibiza) Mark Roma Extended (03:46)
214. Phillip Castle - Take Me Higher - Extended Mix (05:53)
215. Planet Perfecto,Paul Oakenfold,Mark Roma - Dance All Night (Ibiza) - Mark Roma Remix (02:47)
216. Processing Vessel,Eugene Glasgow - Get My Groove On - Eugene Glasgow Remix (07:11)
217. Ratier,Renato Ratier - Bamboo (06:09)
218. Raz - OHM (04:26)
219. Revealed Recordings, Isek - Tik Tok Extended Mix (03:44)
220. Richard Les Crees - Even If I Could (06:08)
221. Robbe, Payback - Pjanoo Extended Mix (03:38)
222. Ross Couch - You Touched My Soul (05:46)
223. RR - Piano The 80ST - Original Mix (05:46)
224. Ryva - Jump Now Original Mix (02:23)
225. sad angels,J R - Hypnotized (02:06)
226. Sam Townend - Wipe Out Extended Mix (06:18)
227. San Sebastian,Renji (NL) - Clear Shape (03:35)
228. Serge Santiago - High (05:44)
229. Shaun Williams - I'm Yours (03:22)
230. Showtek, Bombs Away - Together Extended Mix (03:45)
231. Showtek, Giuseppe Ottaviani - Heart Is Beating Extended Mix (04:58)
232. Showtek,Bombs Away - Together (03:01)
233. Showtek,Giuseppe Ottaviani - Heart Is Beating (02:49)
234. Shunji Moriwaki - Shirushi-O-Choda - Remixed Remastered 2023 (08:37)
235. Simon Adams,Max Millan - Go People Go (05:47)
236. Soulidan,Bjazz11 - Flight 0380 (06:19)
237. Sozef - Flippin' This Side (05:05)
238. Spencer Parker - Brotherhood (06:46)
239. Stacy Kidd,Craig C - The Groove Land - Craig Cs Groove Ride Edit (07:38)
240. Steal Tapes - Joy (06:24)
241. Steve Dekay - Drop (03:15)
242. Steve Modana - ELOUI (02:40)
243. Steven Roys - Conversation Extended Mix (03:35)
244. Steven Roys - Conversation (02:37)
245. Steven Vegas,RELU - Movement - Extended Mix (03:21)
246. Synymata, Leah Culver - Lights Original Mix (05:21)
247. T70,City Soul Project,Man Go Funk - Star Mothers - City Soul Project & Man Go Funk Remix (06:31)
248. TacoMan,Once Sempai,Bar Mikhael,Doug V,Raized,The Fellas (US) - Morena - TacoMan, Raized, The fellas (US)
Dub Extended (07:01)
249. Takahiro Yoshihira,MEIRLIN - Arcana - Extended Mix (03:32)
250. Techy Chan,Krayoni,Medusa,Mvnsin - Everytime We Touch - Techno Remix (01:54)
251. TELYKAST,Luciana - Move It (with Luciana) (02:15)
252. Terry Farley,Wade Teo,Kameelah Waheed,Hilit Kolet - Why We Dance - Hilit Kolet Remix (05:20)
253. The YellowHeads,HLGRMS - Sandstorm - 2024 Extended Mix (06:40)
254. Tiesto, Dimitri Vegas, Like Mike, W&W, Dido, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike - Thank You (Not So Bad) Original Mix
255. Tiesto, W&W, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike - Thank You (Not So Bad) Extended (04:51)
256. Tiptoes - Only If I had One more (05:46)
257. tmpl - Lift Me Up Extended Mix (04:50)
258. TMPL - Lift Me Up (03:23)
259. Todd Edwards,LP Giobbi - Restless Soul - LP Giobbi Extended Remix (05:51)
260. Todd Terry,J Paul Getto,Tagteam Terror - The Sure Shot - Tagteam Terror Remix (05:47)
261. Tom Bug,Grooveline - What's Your Sign - Extended Mix (06:10)
262. Tommie Sunshine,Rd0Dave - Electro Electro (04:23)
263. Tommy Pulse - No Alternative Extended Mix (05:28)
264. Tommy Thunder,San Sebastian - Heartbeat - San Sebastian Mix (03:36)
265. Toni Costanzi, Agus Zack, Revealed Recordings - Yourself Extended Mix (03:02)
266. Tony Thunder - Come Back (03:20)
267. Trimtone - Its a House Thing - Extended Mix (05:50)
268. Trojan Horses - Ezra (05:42)
269. Tuew - A Part Of Me - Extended Mix (04:07)
270. Tuew - A Part Of Me (03:15)
271. Tungevaag, Wasback - Drift Away Extended Mix (03:35)
272. Tungevaag,Wasback - Drift Away (02:47)
273. Two Diopters - Outsider (06:12)
274. Uber Disco - Free (06:11)
275. Ummet Ozcan - My Beat Goes Extended Mix (05:19)
276. Ummet Ozcan - My Beat Goes (03:46)
277. UNYKE,M.J.E,Michael Chodo - Don't Be Afraid (03:51)
278. VARX - Maledisco (07:10)
279. VEATZ,GUD NEIVER - Sequence Activated - Extended Mix (04:21)
280. Vernon Bara,Rodham - Hey Chicago, What Do You Say ? (05:48)
281. Vhelade,AGELESS - Extasy - Extended Mix (06:05)
282. Vicman Romero & Mike Sildavia - Are U Ready - Extended Mix (03:27)
283. Vigel, Tbr - We Rolling Loud Extended Mix (03:46)
284. Visual Effect - Let You Down Extended Mix (03:18)
285. Visual Effect - Let You Down (02:21)
286. WAND7R - Jungle (05:35)
287. Warp - Bodywork (07:23)
288. Wave Wave - Overdrive (Wave Wave VIP Mix) Extended Mix (04:30)
289. Wave Wave - Overdrive (03:09)
290. Waxci - My Sanctuary - Original Mix (06:39)
291. Whitelight - Mindfulness - Extended Mix (04:45)
292. Will Sparks, Gigi Russ - Round Round Extended Mix (04:36)
293. Will Sparks,Gigi Russ - Round Round (03:46)
294. Jason Nevins,Sound F/X - Sound F/X - The White Zone Remix (05:41)
295. Yellow Pvnk, CLUBWRK, Wooya - Breath Of Fire Extended Mix (03:47)
296. Yellow Pvnk,Wooya,CLUBWRK - Breath Of Fire (02:47)
297. Zakkov - I'm Fall - Extended Mix (05:18)
298. Zinner - Don't Stop - Extended Mix (04:04)
299. 二发,DIVEN - Machine - Extended Mix (02:54)
FileCat - Beatport Best New Hype Mainstage 2024-01-10.rar